Rice flour----------------2 cup
urad dhal-----------------1 spoon
jaggery-------------------1 1/2 cup
cardamom powder
Thaw the rice flour in the stove till it turns light brown.
Add the urad dhal powder with it and remove from heat.
Add jaggery to water and make sure it does not become so thick or so watery.
Add little coconut pieces and little white sesame with it along with the flour.This can be done with stove off.
Then mix them together and make round balls.
Heat Oil and deep fry them.
While frying in oil ,if it breaks it denotes that the sweet is more.Add little more rice flour and make the balls again and fry them.This tastes so good.
I am sending this to Mythreyee's Deep fried sweet series
Oh cool! I didn't know there was a quick way to make sweet cheedais. Nice recipe.
Good luck with your Masters. What are you doing it in?
Using rice flour to make cheedai sounds easy..
Thanks divya for your wishes.I am dping my M.S
Thankyou divya vikram
cheedai is a new recipe to me! looks interesting. Shall try it one day and let you know! BTW, you can send this to deep fried sweets event.
wow, shri now i can try seedai..seekram neraya palaharam pannu, especially for diwali so that we also cn try them..
Done uma.i have taken your words.Thanks for the comment.
Sure aartee,i will be making something that you could try for diwali.
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