Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Almond Halwa

Badam (Almond) Halwa is my husband's favorite sweet.My mother-in-law makes it often ,actually we can call this as our family sweet.My mother-in-law taught to make perfect halwa when she visited us.Here you go,

Almonds--------------2 cups
Cashews--------------1 cup

Soak the almonds in hot water for an hour and peel the skin.
Now grind the almonds and cashews together with little milk.
Now measure the grounded paste.

Paste---------------1 cup
Sugar---------------2 cups
Food color----------1 spoon
Ghee----------------1/2 cup

Heat the water and dissolve the sugar .
The sugar syrup should be of thin thread consistency.
Now add the almond paste and mix it continuously.
Add the Food color and half the quantity of ghee.
Mix it continuously for 15 min and remove from heat.
Take it out and then keep on stirring it for some time.
Just leave it for some time and then stir,you have to do this for a very long time.

I suggest you to start making this in the evening so that halwa comes out really good and tasty by next day.

I am sending this to Tasty treat's Lets go nuts with Almonds Event.I am so glad i am able to send my dish to this event.